Tekiyah Creative

A Blog Post

Simply Kiddush

At Tekiyah, we are big believers in simplicity. Some accuse us of worshiping it (G-d forbid). Often the goal or message of a project gets lost in its sophistication. Sometimes, when you try to say everything, nothing actually gets across. This applies to everything to design and marketing to organizational structure and strategy. The mystical elegance of simplicity, when done right, is amazingly effective.

So when Rabbi Eli Gurevitz of the Rohr Center for Jewish Life in Haveford, PA approach us about creating a user-friendly format for a Friday Nigh Kiddush companion, we knew would make it simple. The result is a warm yet minimalistic design that contains all the essentials in an attractive and very usable layout. Special thanks to Rabbi Eli and lead designer Tzvi Levin for working together diligently to refine the concept.

The new and simple Friday Night Kiddush booklet is now available at the Tekiyah on Demand store. Let us know what you think.

Click here to view or order

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